
Showing posts from 2020

Differently Abled! Really??

There are many things I disagree with and the usage 'Differently Abled' is among few others on the top. When I first started working as an Occupational therapist in 1999, the word  'Mentally retarded'  was common.  It did feel then (and does even now), quite a 'disgraceful' word to use when referring to an individual, though I agree it was a 100 times better than a couple of its predecessors, which I prefer not to name.  Mental retardation slowly evolved to 'Intellectual Disability' which stole the show for a brief while before giving way to include specific tags like 'Learning Disability', 'Dyslexia', 'Dysarthria', 'Dyscalculia', and the like, which are actually the diagnoses themselves, and some other fancy titles like 'Slow Learner', 'Late Bloomer', etc.  Coming to the physical disability part, 'Handicapped' was the most common usage at one time which then went through a very happening metamorpho...

Take help!!

  Let me present to you, some scenarios I commonly come across on a daily basis. Whenever a mother or father raises a concern over their child, who may seem to have a delay in development or a trait of some condition, it is most often brushed aside by the immediate family and friends. Most often these family members and friends have no medical background or experience in the related field, but they succeed in helping the concerned parent ignore the problem and unknowingly feed the damage which in turn grows uninterrupted, eventually hindering the child's development. Take a look!