Handwriting - Good vs Bad

Handwriting is unique to each individual , unlike typing. A person's handwriting style, and signature, stands out as permanent statements. Mastering good handwriting can help make that statement strong, beautiful, and most importantly, legible. Unfortunately, not everybody has 'good' handwriting. What is 'good' handwriting? In order for a person's writing to be called 'good', it has to be legible . The letters have to be well shaped and evenly spaced from each other. The sizes of all the letters in a word have to be uniform and balanced. Each word should again be evenly spaced from the next. All letters and words should have the same slant orientation (usually to the right) and uniform degree of slant . This doesn't mean writing in a straight orientation is wrong or qualifies as bad handwriting, but just that the entire sentence or passage should be of the same orientation . Handwriting need not be artistic to qualify for legibility, but it ha...