Should I see a doctor? Which doctor should I see?
'A' is a 5 year old boy I see at the clinic. He is on the spectrum and is very proprioceptive and tactile seeking. 'A' is not completely toilet trained. He does not consistently indicate his need to use the toilet, and he has a tendency to dribble multiple times in a day, and sometimes hardly notices that he is wet. 'A' is also constipated most of the time as he holds himself for days together to avoid going to the toilet for the 'big job', as he doesn't feel 'safe' sitting on the toilet. 'A' has been off therapy for over 3 months as they have moved out of town, and is yet to find a Therapy Centre in their immediate locality. A 's mother called me one evening with concerns over his frequent accidents. "Who would you suggest I take 'A' to, a Nephrologist or a Urologist?", was her question. (Names hidden to protect identity) Before I go into what I told A's mother, let's first look at toilet training in ...