Let's Play! - Schemas in Play (Part 1)
Now, now! I’m sure I have at least of couple of readers who just raised their eyebrows and sported a puzzled look, on reading the tile on this post. ‘Schemas in Play’ is definitely not a familiar phenomenon by name, but let me explain what it is, and it will have you going, “Ah! So is that what ‘it’ is called? ‘Schema’!!” So, what are these ‘Schemas’? We have learnt to do many things from our very early years, e.g. bouncing a ball, turning a key, etc. These actions, and many more have taught us a lot of concepts. Let’s take the bouncing ball activity. If you have observed a little child throwing/dropping down a ball, you would have also noticed that he found it amusing and kept doing it again and again. If it was a rubber ball, it would have bounced back. If it was a plastic ball, well, may not that much. If it was an inflated ball, it wouldn't have bounced back at all. Now, if it was an egg, it would have broken! From this action, what can the child learn? ….that a ball ...